ProcureCon 2016

Presented by Virginia’s Asian Chamber of Commerce, ProcureCon – – is a  popular high level economic opportunity organized by the Virginia’s Asian Chamber with a robust agenda full of connections, information, industry, economic, and policy...

Social Media Marketing Checklist

From simple grocery lists to complex medical tasks, checklists help us reduce the risk of missing important things to do because of lack of attention or the potential limits of our human memory. With the myriad of things that need to be done in digital marketing, here...
Social Media Marketing Roadmap

Social Media Marketing Roadmap

As more consumers turning to the internet to find information about businesses, having a strong online presence is becoming increasingly essential to a business’s success. Face-to-face networking and traditional advertising are still important, but social media is the...
The Dream – Do you have a Dream?

The Dream – Do you have a Dream?

On August 19, 2013, I was one of the lucky few invited by Richmond Times Dispatch to make a recording of the famous speech by Dr. Martin Luther King of August 28, 1963. The idea was Bringing “ The Dream ” to Life by Richmond Times Dispatch. The Dream Video The last...