As more consumers turning to the internet to find information about businesses, having a strong online presence is becoming increasingly essential to a business’s success. Face-to-face networking and traditional advertising are still important, but social media is the new way of marketing that cannot be put aside. With that said, it is crucial that you have an outline of what you want your marketing efforts to bring to your business. To help you out in building an online strategy, check out our proven social media marketing roadmap that we can use for your company or brand.
Set Your Goals
As with any business component, your objectives should be the starting point of your social media marketing roadmap. Who are the people you trying to reach? What are you trying to accomplish? Understand what are your goals so it will be easier to achieve and measure your results later on.
Select the Right Platforms
Once you have identified your goals, the next thing you’ll need to know are the platforms that is right for you. From Facebook to Pinterest, there are so many social networking sites that you can choose from. What’s important is to start where majority of your target market is already in.
Brand Profiles
If you haven’t already, sign your brand up for accounts on your selected platforms. It is crucial to include branding as a key step in your social media marketing roadmap — because branding can help your target market easily establish your online presence from others, from handles (i.e. @YourBrandName on Twitter) to cover photo designs.
Create Content
Your social profiles should most definitely not be used to immediately sell your products. Build your brand’s credibility first, so that more people will be encouraged to check out what you can offer. You can do this looking for relevant and valuable content that you can share with them.
Monitor Results and Iterate
Monitoring the performance of your campaigns is important in every social media marketing roadmap. This will help you determine whether your strategy is working, and if your audience are pleased with your tactic, your business, and the products and services that you offer. If they are not engaging with your brand as you would have wanted, make the necessary changes. — Social media marketing is an Atlas key area of expertise. We can have this social media marketing roadmap applied and tweaked to meet your specific business needs. Fill out our questionnaire today and our team of social media specialists will contact you.
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